What is Stuttering?
Stuttering is a communication disorder that results from an interaction between the child’s developing language skills and his or her developing motor skills. Developmentally it is normal for a child to go through a period of stuttering up to age 5. Stuttering becomes a concern when the dysfluencies are predictable and persistent across various settings. Stuttering can be variable and may be less frequent in some situations and more frequent in others. Some children attempt to hide their stuttering by talking around words or responding to questions with “I don’t know” when they actually do know the answer.
What are the types of stuttering?
- Sound or syllable repetition (e.g., th-th-th-the)
- Prolongations (e.g., mmmmmammy?)
- Blocks (e.g., a pause/hestitation, inappropriate break in a word or phrase, there is often no airflow).
- Use of fillers or interjections (e.g.,) uh, er, um, “I um went um to um school.”)
- Secondary physical characteristics may accompany stuttering. (e.g., facial grimaces, avoidance of eye contact, excessive blinking, etc).
- The child may or may not be aware of their dysfluencies. Younger children tend to be less aware than older children.
Risk Factors to Consider for Persistent Stuttering.
- Family history of stuttering.
- Age at onset after 3 years old.
- Time since you first noticed stuttering (child has been stuttering for at least six months).
- Other speech and language delays (e.g., word-finding, difficulties, speech errors)
What can CAINT do?
CAINT Speech and Language Therapists will provide your child with a detailed assessment of their language, speech and communication skills. We will also provide an individualized treatment plan tailored to your child’s specific needs and ensure that therapy focuses on building upon your child’s area of difficulty. CAINT provide parent-training to create a fluency-enhancing environment and promote positive parent responses to the child’s speech. CAINT use evidence-based practice such as the Lidcombe programme where appropriate. For older children & adults CAINT SLTs teach certain speech modifications, such as using strategies for easy onset, slow easy speech, and breathing techniques. CAINT also focus on creating awareness of stuttering moments with this age-group and how to approach them with less tension. CAINT SLTs also use structured activities to address the emotions/attitudes of stuttering to promote positive self-esteem in our clients.